The problem is that is_callable and function_exists check a string to see if it’s a function. But I wanted to check to see if it was an anonymous function and not a string. Turns out you can do this by checking for an instance of Closure:
if ( $fn instanceof Closure ) { $fn( ... ); }
In the research I have been able to find, I have not yet come across a good enough explanation on why it matters.
If I pass you a callable, it should not matter if it is a function, a static method of instance method. I want it to be called without restraint and your method disallows this freedom.
Furthermore, with PHP 5.6 with varargs and rest, the limitations makes less sense.
If I pass ‘my_function’ and you call:
$callback($args…), they why does it still need to be a Closure object?
What is the difference between:
$callback = ‘my_function’;
$callback = array(‘my_class’, ‘my_method’);
$callback = array($myClass, ‘my_method’);
$callback = function() use ($this) {};
$callback = function() use ($obj) {};
$callback = function() {};
If each definition is function(…$args), then why does it matter what type of callable it is?