Over on the StackOverflow blog: Best practices for REST API design. Some of it is good but I disagree with a bunch of things. I made some notes:
* Use singular https://www.example.com/comment/list Not: https://www.example.com/comments * Use multidimensional selectors, not path/hierarchical selectors: https://www.example.com/comment/list?artist=nirvana&album=nevermind Not: https://www.example.com/album/nirvana/nevermind/comments * Use noun/verb format: https://www.example.com/comment/list https://www.example.com/comment/register https://www.example.com/comment/edit/54688 https://www.example.com/comment/view/54688 https://www.example.com/comment/reply/54688 * The [ noun, verb ] pairs map to Facilities for implementation: [ comment, list ] => CommentLister [ comment, edit ] => CommentEditor [ comment, view ] => CommentViewer Facilities have submit/render functionality and round-trip view state. * HTTP success 30x's not 2xx's. * Include a 'submission ID' on <form> elements for idempotent operations * GET and POST only, don't CRUD URLs, rather invoke business processes