Well. Wow. What a day!
Today was the opening day of ElectroneX in Sydney.
I had the great privilege of spending the day with my very good friend Aleksei. Between us I think we managed to talk to every single exhibitor. By the time I got home my legs were sore and my lips were parched, so much walking, standing, and talking!
I turned up in character. I wore my costume. A lot of people thought that was fun, as did I. :)
I met Dave Jones of EEVblog fame, which really made my day. I knew he would be there and I was really hoping to see him, and I did! He was nice enough to plug my channel, what an excellent human being! <3
And as if things couldn’t get better they went on and did! It was an honour and a privilege to meet Nicholas Vinen, the editor of Silicon Chip magazine. I had hoped that he would be there and I would run into him… and then he was and I did!
All round a super great day. I had a lot of fun, learned a few things about the state of the art, and I even netted a few new subscriptions on the channel. :)