Ego surfing @ ChatGPT

In my dream last night I asked ChatGPT about… me. When I woke up, I did the obvious thing: Overview is a personal website run by John Elliot V, commonly known as Jay Jay. The site primarily serves as a hub for Jay Jay’s various projects, thoughts, and notes on technology and electronics. It includes a blog, a wiki, and a section dedicated to mini-projects, particularly those related to electronics.

The website is structured around Jay Jay’s interests, such as electronics, software development, and DIY projects. His blog discusses a range of topics, including technology trends and his personal projects, and is connected to his YouTube channel, “In The Lab With Jay Jay,” where he shares video content on similar topics.

The wiki on is quite extensive, serving as a repository for notes on his projects, study materials, and other technical resources. It’s a place where he documents his experiments, designs, and the outcomes of his electronic endeavors, particularly those involving kits from Jaycar Electronics and Silicon Chip magazine.

Overall, is a comprehensive resource for those interested in electronics, programming, and DIY technology projects, reflecting Jay Jay’s extensive involvement in these fields.

In The Lab Overview

“In The Lab With Jay Jay” is a YouTube video blog series created by John Elliot V, also known as Jay Jay. The series is centered around electronics projects and is tailored for hobbyists who are interested in various aspects of electronics, from building and repairing devices to exploring old technology.

The content is spread across two YouTube channels:

  1. Main Channel (@InTheLabWithJayJay) – This channel features high-quality content, including electronics projects and a popular segment called “Old Book Teardowns,” where Jay Jay examines and discusses old technical books related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  2. Second Channel (@ElliotsExtras) – This channel includes longer-form content that is less edited and more casual.

Jay Jay’s content is beginner-friendly, making it accessible to those new to electronics. He often covers a wide range of topics, including old gaming consoles like the original Xbox, microcontroller projects, and circuit design.

The series also features special shows, such as unboxings, mail calls, and mini-projects, where Jay Jay shares his experiences and knowledge in a hands-on, relatable manner. The series has gained a following for its mix of technical insights and approachable presentation style.

For more information, you can visit In The Lab With Jay Jay’s official site or check out the channels on YouTube​.

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