Analog Meters for Learning the Art of Electronics

I was flipping through my copy of Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course (I have the first edition, this second edition comes out in Australia on 3 April 2025, I have a copy on pre-order, I think it’s already available in the USA) and I noticed that some analog meters are used in the first lab course.

So in preparation for doing that I purchased some analog meters, being these:

I am planning to start working through these projects on my YouTube channel @InTheLabWithJayJay at a rate of one project every 28 days starting April 1st. April 1st, being April Fools’ Day, is of course the traditional date for launching IT projects and it is also the one year anniversary of my video (which happens to be my most popular YouTube video by a large margin): New Book Teardown #3: Learning The Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course (2016) | In The Lab.

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