My day at ElectroneX with my friend

Well. Wow. What a day!

Today was the opening day of ElectroneX in Sydney.

I had the great privilege of spending the day with my very good friend Aleksei. Between us I think we managed to talk to every single exhibitor. By the time I got home my legs were sore and my lips were parched, so much walking, standing, and talking!

I turned up in character. I wore my costume. A lot of people thought that was fun, as did I. :)

I met Dave Jones of EEVblog fame, which really made my day. I knew he would be there and I was really hoping to see him, and I did! He was nice enough to plug my channel, what an excellent human being! <3

And as if things couldn’t get better they went on and did! It was an honour and a privilege to meet Nicholas Vinen, the editor of Silicon Chip magazine. I had hoped that he would be there and I would run into him… and then he was and I did!

All round a super great day. I had a lot of fun, learned a few things about the state of the art, and I even netted a few new subscriptions on the channel. :)

John and Aleksei meet Dave Jones

Today was Spring cleaning day

I had to get new batteries in four of my UPS devices which involved a lot of plugging and unplugging. Since I was down there under my desk I took some time to vacuum and do a better job of my cable labeling.

While I was sorting cables I found one with a frayed end which I decided to keep for spare parts. In makes me nervous just looking at this thing. That’s a mains power lead with bare ends, it’s a death sentence waiting to happen! But that bit of cable with that attachment might very well come in handy some time so I will file it in its relevant drawer.

John's mains power cable with bare ends


This is a part of the homework feature of my blog, which is an ongoing conversation with my mate S.F.

Hey mate. Lovely to see you again, as always.

I ended up getting these cards printed at to take with me on Wednesday to ElectroneX:

John's business card for In The Lab With Jay

I mentioned Iain McGilchrist, he’s a psychiatrist who dabbles in philosophy. I think he has a really excellent and interesting view of things. It’s hard to summarise his position but he is very interested in the difference in perceptive capabilities of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. He has a YouTube channel over here: @DrIainMcGilchrist and if you search for him you will find many a fascinating interview.

You told me to check out Succession (TV series).

I found the Four Corners video you mentioned, over here: Self-defence or genocide? Asking Israel’s powerful voices about Gaza | Four Corners.

I mentioned Eben Moglen, who has a website over here: I find Eben inspirational. He’s always talking in grandiose eloquence about the importance of free software, if you search for him on YouTube you are bound to find something of interest.

I mentioned Annie Jacobsen, she’s a pretty interesting cat. She has written a number of books on conspiracy-theory-like topics. I recently read her book Nuclear War: A Scenario.

I have a note here that says “positive view on nihilism” but I forget what that was about. Something I wanted to tell you, now lost to time. But searching for ‘positive view on nihilism’ turns up a bunch of interesting results! (Oh. Wait. Found it! It’s a video I wanted you to see: Optimistic Nihilism.)

Oh, another note I don’t remember: “void of ‘huh'”. I assume we were being hilarious.

There is an urban myth that the first human projectile that made it into space was a manhole cover from nuclear testing facilities for Operation Plumbbob in 1957. I dunno if it’s true, but it’s a good story!

Announcing new website for In The Lab With Jay Jay

Good news everyone!

The In The Lab With Jay Jay website has been freeloading off for a while now, over here:

But I am pleased to announce that it has now been moved into its new and permanent home, over here:

There is also a short-link domain which will redirect you to the new site which I put into production to keep the links on my business cards short:

Speaking of business cards I had some made to take with me to ElectroneX on Wednesday:

John's new business card for In The Lab With Jay Jay

I’m planning to show up in costume and hand out business cards, because I am a *genuine* nerd.

As part of the migration to the new domain I improved the content of the site a bit. There is now an about page with contact info and such and also a support the show page with some ideas about how people can support the show!

Channel News #3: Announcing Mini Projects | Learning Electronics In The Lab With Jay Jay

This post is part of my video blog and you can find more information about this video on this show’s homepage which is here.

You can support this channel on Patreon:

Silly Job Title: Amp Alchemist

In this video I announce the new Mini Projects. These are a new feature of Silicon Chip magazine sponsored by Jaycar. Each month two or three Mini Projects get published in Silicon Chip, and we will be building those projects together on the channel each month!

If you’re interested in Silicon Chip magazine (it’s really good!) then I would certainly encourage you to subscribe.

In this video I misspoke and said this was the “May 2004” issue of the magazine, but of course it is the “May 2024” issue of the magazine! Unfortunately I missed that errata during editing and didn’t include a title clip correction.

I don’t understand what happened that caused that video corruption we saw earlier in the video. I suspect the workstation I was using to record the video had some other processing task which interfered with its recording speed or something? Hopefully this is not an ongoing problem. It’s not a problem I have seen before.

Update: ElectroneX has now been and gone and my write up about the day is over here: My day at ElectroneX with my friend. I got my photo with Dave Jones!

Thanks very much for watching! And please remember to hit like and subscribe!

Following is a product I use picked at random from my collection which may appear in my videos. Clicking through on this to find and click on the green affiliate links before purchasing from eBay or AliExpress is a great way to support the channel at no cost to you. Thanks!

Kaisi Soldering Tools With Desoldering PumpThis is an image of the product.notes

Let’s go shopping!