I think I’m clever.
I think I’m clever.
I used to link to this soundtrack (and I still do) from my manifesto, but I reckon approximately no-one clicked on it.
Now when you go to www.jj5.net you can click on the …with soundtrack link on the top of the page and browse with the site’s soundtrack playing. Cool!
I was reading my default .bashrc file, and found the following:
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
This suggested that I wanted a .bash_aliases file for my aliases, so I set one up:
jj5@sixsigma:~$ cat .bash_aliases
alias home='cd ~'
alias jj5='cd /var/www/www.jj5.net/'
alias profile='cd /var/www/www.jj5.net/profile/'
alias chomsky='vim /var/www/www.jj5.net/profile/chomsky/index.html'
alias henney='vim /var/www/www.jj5.net/profile/henney/index.html'
alias lakoff='vim /var/www/www.jj5.net/profile/lakoff/index.html'
alias norvig='vim /var/www/www.jj5.net/profile/norvig/index.html'
This is my basic “CMS” system for http://www.jj5.net/profile/.