Due to my blatant SEO hacking ProgClub has finally made it to page 3 of search results for programmers’ club. Go team! :)
ProgClub aspires to be *the* Programmers’ Club. So first we get page 3, then we get page 1, then we get first result. Sound like a good plan?
You can help by blogging about ProgClub or linking to our Programmers’ Club page from your blog or your web-site. The text of your link should be “Programmers’ Club”, and you should link to the http://www.progclub.org/wiki/Programmers’_Club page.
p.s. We’re on page 2 for good programmers’ club and we’re on page 2 for the programmers’ club (page 1 in Australia: the programmers’ club).
p.p.s. I posted some more information on how I went about the SEO process.
p.p.p.s. I followed up with some more commentary about the best way to link to ProgClub.