Today I wanted to wrap the text in my NetBeans editor. I found this article which pointed me to Tools -> Options -> Editor -> All Langauges -> Line Wrap: Anywhere. Everything is easy when you know how!
Monthly Archives: May 2014
HTTP Header Field Definitions
Reading about HTTP Header Field Definitions.
UnsupportedClassVersionError in Closure
Today while Getting Started with the Closure Compiler Application I ran into the following trouble:
jj5@mercy:~/Desktop/compiler-latest$ java -jar compiler.jar --help Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/google/javascript/jscomp/CommandLineRunner : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at at at$000( at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Could not find the main class: Program will exit.
To fix the problem I installed jdk-7:
root@mercy:/home/jj5# apt-get install openjdk-7-dbg openjdk-7-demo openjdk-7-doc openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre
PHP WebDriver
Selenium API for PHP: PHP WebDriver.
PHPUnit Manual
I should really read the PHPUnit Manual…
PHP Gettext
TODO: learn how to integrate Gettext in my PHP apps.
PHP spl_autoload_register
Today I used spl_autoload_register again.
This time to load default concrete classes. For example in my framework I have a class called SlibUser:
class SlibUser extends SlibRecord { public static function Load( $id ) { $args = array( 'id' => $id ); $data = db()->get_row( 'select * from /*prefix*/user where id = :id', $args ); if ( $data ) { return new User( $data ); } return null; } }
As you can see SlibUser creates a new User. That User can be provisioned by a user of my framework, but if they don’t specify a particular User definition I give them a default implementation with spl_autoload_register, e.g.:
<?php function load_slib_mock( $class = false ) { //var_dump( $class ); static $classes; static $files; if ( ! $files ) { $files = array(); } if ( ! $classes ) { $classes = array( // URL 'Uri', 'UriPath', 'UriPathBuilder', 'UriQuery', 'UriQueryBuilder', 'UriQueryNode', // framework: 'Auth', 'Column', 'FrontController', 'Option', 'OptionGroup', 'ResourceManager', 'Schema', 'Settings', 'Table', 'Variable', // database: 'Database', 'DatabaseUpgrader', // ORM: 'Browser', 'GeoipLocation', 'HttpAccept', 'HttpAcceptEncoding', 'HttpAcceptLanguage', 'HttpMethod', 'HttpUserAgent', 'Partition', 'Request', 'Role', 'Session', 'SessionSettings', 'User', 'UserPartition', 'UserSettings' ); } if ( ! in_array( $class, $classes ) ) { return false; } $path = "/var/tmp/slib-$class.php"; if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) { $content = "<?php class $class extends Slib$class {}"; $file = fopen( $path, 'w' ); if ( ! $file ) { throw new IOException( "Cannot write '$file'." ); } fwrite( $file, $content ); fclose( $file ); } require_once( $path ); return true; } // autoload handler: spl_autoload_register( 'load_slib_mock', true, true );
Videos I watched recently
- AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework
- Miško Hevery and Brad Green – Keynote – NG-Conf 2014
- AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes
- Introduction to Angular.js in 50 Examples (part 1)
- Larry Page: Where’s Google going next?
- How BIG Is Google?
- Edward Snowden: Here’s how we take back the Internet
- Dan Wahlin – AngularJS in 20ish Minutes – NG-Conf 2014
- Igor Minar – Angular === Community (Keynote) – NG-Conf 2014
- Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012
- “The World in 2030” by Dr. Michio Kaku
- Angular Team Panel
- Google I/O 2009 – The Myth of the Genius Programmer
- Noam Chomsky: The Singularity is Science Fiction!
- Sharon DiOrio – Filters Beyond OrderBy and LimitTo – NG-Conf 2014
- Lukas Rubbelke & Matias Niemela – Awesome Interfaces with AngularJS Animations – NG-Conf 2014
- Vojta Jina – Dependency Injection – NG-Conf
- Burke Holland – Angular Directives that Scale – NG-Conf 2014
- Julie Ralph End to End Angular Testing with Protractor
- Writing a Massive Angular App at Google NG Conf
- Dave Smith – Deep Dive into Custom Directives – NG-Conf 2014
- Tom Valletta and Gabe Dayley – Angular Weapon Defense – NG-Conf 2014
- Ben Teese – Rich Data Models & Angular – NG-Conf 2014
- Karl Seamon – Angular Performance – NG-Conf
- John Papa – Progressive Saving – NG-Conf
- Silvano Luciani – PhotoHunt – NG-Conf 2014
- Christian Lilley – Going Postal with Angular in Promises – NG-Conf
- Jason Aden – Using ngModelController to Make Sexy Custom Components – NG-Conf 2014
- Anant Narayanan – Building Realtime Apps With Firebase and Angular – NG-Conf 2014
- Daniel Zen – Using AngularJS to create iPhone & Android applications with PhoneGap – NG-Conf 2014
- Ari Lerner – Robotics powering interfaces with AngularJS to the Arduino – NG-Conf 2014
- Sean Hess – How to use Typescript on your Angular Application and Be Happy – NC-Conf 2014
- Brian Ford – Zones – NG-Conf 2014
- Richard Stallman: We’re heading for a total disaster
- Jeff Cross – Rapid Prototyping with Angular & Deployd – NGConf
- Thomas Burleson Angular and RequireJS
Sublime Text
Thinking about evaluating Sublime Text.
The Most Powerful Objects in the Universe
Today I watched this video: The Most Powerful Objects in the Universe. Awesome stuff.