PHP finally blocks not run on exit

I confirmed with the following code that if you call ‘exit’ withing a ‘try’ block the ‘finally’ block does *not* execute. That’s probably what you would expect. But now we know.

register_shutdown_function( 'handle_shutdown' );

try {


catch ( Exception $ex ) {

  echo "caught...\n";

finally {

  echo "finally...\n";


function handle_shutdown() {

  echo "shutdown...\n";


KDEInit could not launch ‘/usr/bin/kcachegrind’

When I open *.xt files from Dolphin on my KDE Plasma desktop Dolphin would lock up while kcachegrind ran and then when I exited kcachegrind Dolphin would complain:

KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kcachegrind'

So what I’ve done is to create a custom script to run xcachegrind properly and then re-associated *.xt files (application/x-kcachegrind) with the new script in Dolphin.

Bug fixed!