This was a fun read, about Linus and the early days of Linux: The early days of Linux. I didn’t know he was a gamer! But, I suppose, who isn’t? :)
Monthly Archives: April 2023
Web programming round up
Some web programming articles from this week:
- Why I don’t use web components
- The Great Divide
- Ask HN: Getting tired of complexity in web development
- Why We’re Breaking Up with CSS-in-JS
- 16 don’ts: when JavaScript code review feels like watching a thriller movie
- The web didn’t change; you did
- Web Standards: The What, The Why, And The How
- What does “falling into the pit of success” mean?
- Maybe Web Components are not the Future?
- Why JavaScript is Eating HTML
- A Unified Styling Language
- Futuristic Tooling for Today’s Applications!
The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
Worth a read if you haven’t seen it: The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work.
This is a worthwhile read and an interesting and perhaps important perspective: Tiktok’s enshittification. Don’t let the title fool you, the article is about a more general phenomena than relates to Tiktok. I came across the enshittification article today while reading How To Make the Least-Worst Mastodon Threads and about Jedi Blue.
Cory Doctorow writes some interesting stuff, like this: Como Is Infosec: Content moderation is a security problem.
And I learned about fisking, which sounds more risqué than it is. Sounds like what we’ve been doing since forever on usenet.
Today I learned about JASS, which is the scripting language they use for WarCraft III maps and such, and JassHelper which are some interesting extensions.
The End of Computer Magazines in America
Sad times we live in: The End of Computer Magazines in America.
Popular video games
This is fun: List of best-selling video game franchises. Also good: List of longest-running video game franchises. Before I read the first list my sense of perspective was all off. I certainly hadn’t realised how seriously Mario had nailed it.
I ended up on those Wikipedia pages because I was reading about Capcom. And I was reading about Capcom because I have discovered Fabien Sanglard’s wonderful books.
The Bitter Lesson
Another one for the archives: The Bitter Lesson. This is an article about how Moore’s Law continues to outdo AI researchers. I thought this was “bitter pill”, but it’s actually “bitter lesson”. (But now I can search for either! :P)
Related: History of artificial neural networks.
This is just for the record. (So I can find it later, if it turns out that I want to.)
Mentioned here: KeePassXC Audit Report.
Why you shouldn’t water cool your PC
I watched this video a while back, and was trying to find it today in my blog, but it wasn’t here. But now it is! Why you shouldn’t water cool your PC.