New WordPress plugins for the blog

I have been rolling out CloudFront for a few of my domains, including

In order to integrate CloudFront with WordPress I used the W3 Total Cache plugin.

And in order to set the <link rel=”canonical”> element I used the Yoast SEO plugin.

At one point I had a problem with garbled content in my browser. Looked like the browser was trying to display compressed content as text. But now I can’t reproduce, so hopefully whatever the issue was it is now fixed… now with RSS feed

I added RSS capabilities for You can subscribe to the whole thing, or just one channel, or just one show, or just one feature… it was difficulty to create the UI to support that without overcomplicating things. I made the link on the RSS icon support different feed depending on which page you are on.


I just spent two whole days refactoring and improving my website.

One thing I had to think very carefully about for my modeling was the class/instance distinction for various things, you can see my notes below.

So channels have shows, and shows have features.

A series has segments, and segments have a video.

A series is an instance of a show, and a segment is an instance of a feature.

Everything is easy when you know how!

John's notes about the design of his model

My day at ElectroneX with my friend

Well. Wow. What a day!

Today was the opening day of ElectroneX in Sydney.

I had the great privilege of spending the day with my very good friend Aleksei. Between us I think we managed to talk to every single exhibitor. By the time I got home my legs were sore and my lips were parched, so much walking, standing, and talking!

I turned up in character. I wore my costume. A lot of people thought that was fun, as did I. :)

I met Dave Jones of EEVblog fame, which really made my day. I knew he would be there and I was really hoping to see him, and I did! He was nice enough to plug my channel, what an excellent human being! <3

And as if things couldn’t get better they went on and did! It was an honour and a privilege to meet Nicholas Vinen, the editor of Silicon Chip magazine. I had hoped that he would be there and I would run into him… and then he was and I did!

All round a super great day. I had a lot of fun, learned a few things about the state of the art, and I even netted a few new subscriptions on the channel. :)

John and Aleksei meet Dave Jones

Today was Spring cleaning day

I had to get new batteries in four of my UPS devices which involved a lot of plugging and unplugging. Since I was down there under my desk I took some time to vacuum and do a better job of my cable labeling.

While I was sorting cables I found one with a frayed end which I decided to keep for spare parts. In makes me nervous just looking at this thing. That’s a mains power lead with bare ends, it’s a death sentence waiting to happen! But that bit of cable with that attachment might very well come in handy some time so I will file it in its relevant drawer.

John's mains power cable with bare ends