Today I learned about Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Fourth Edition) by Yifeng Zhu while watching Lecture 9: Interrupts on YouTube. The full list of associated lectures are here: Short Lectures.
Category Archives: Reading
Descent3 Source Code
Today on lobsters there was a link to the Descent3 Source Code. Very cool.
You can trust this article because it’s written by academics
I just needed to make a note of this unironic statement which I read here:
Claudius Ptolemaeus, Almagestum, 1515
Wow. On Wikipedia you can download a 1515 Latin translation of the Almagest: Claudius Ptolemaeus, Almagestum, 1515.
I was able to read this file on my Debian workstation after installing the package djview4.
Extra Content #7: The SCSI Bus and IDE Interface: Protocols, Applications and Programming
This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.
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In this video I pull the floppy disk out of the cover of my copy of The SCSI Bus and IDE Interface: Protocols, Applications and Programming (2nd Edition).
I have this wonderful old book The SCSI Bus and IDE Interface: Protocols, Applications and Programming (2nd Edition). It was published in 1997 but is still available for purchase through Amazon.
The book comes with a floppy disk (that’s right: a floppy disk!). I had to buy a USB floppy disk drive to read it. I have made the content from the disk available in a tarball, here: scsi.tgz.
If you just want to read the files, those are here:
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New Book Teardown #3: Learning The Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course (2016) | In The Lab
This post is part of my video blog and you can find more information about this video on this show’s homepage which is here.
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Silly Job Title: Master Planner
This video is part of the New Book Teardown feature of my video blog.
In this video I take a look at Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course by Thomas C. Hayes and Paul Horowitz published in 2016. The book has 1,140 pages and is a companion to The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition.
Some notes about things of interest we noticed in the book:
- Xilinx was an American technology and semiconductor company, now owned by AMD
- the Ebers–Moll model is useful for modelling Bipolar junction transistors
- Hysteresis is the dependence of the state of a system on its history
- Wien’s bridge is used for precision measurement of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency
- Wilson current mirror is a three-terminal circuit that accepts an input current at the input terminal and provides a “mirrored” current source or sink output at the output terminal
- a Bessel filter is a type of analog linear filter named in reference to Friedrich Bessel who developed the mathematical theory
- the video about the 6502 I watched recently is: The 6502 CPU Powered a Whole Generation!
- the Cypress PSoC is a family of microcontroller integrated circuits by Cypress Semiconductor
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Yum Cha Blue Spudgers |
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Old Book Teardown #6: Frequency Modulation: An Introduction To The Fundamental Principles (1958)
This post is part of my video blog and you can find more information about this video on this show’s homepage which is here.
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Silly Job Title: Master Planner
This video is part of the Old Book Teardown feature of my video blog.
In this video I tear down Frequency Modulation: An Introduction To The Fundamental Principles by A. W. Keen, M.I.R.E., A.M.I.E.E. This book was published in London in 1958. The book comprises 274 pages and is chock full of schematics with old vacuum tubes.
Some items of note from the book:
- Armstrong phase modulator by Edwin Howard Armstrong
- Louis Alan Hazeltine was associated with the FreModyne
- A Klystron is a particular type of vacuum tube
- A Phasitron is a type of Beam deflection tube
- RCA is the Radio Corporation of America
- You can read about superregeneration on the Regenerative circuit page
- A superhet is a type of radio receiver
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ENGINEER PA-21 Crimping Toolnotes |
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The Brain User’s Handbook: A Neuroscience-inspired Guide to Peace of Mind
I am reading The Brain User’s Handbook: A Neuroscience-inspired Guide to Peace of Mind which has this awesome image I want to share:
New Book Teardown #2: The Art of Electronics: The x-Chapters (2020) | In The Lab With Jay Jay
This post is part of my video blog and you can find more information about this video on this show’s homepage which is here.
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Silly Job Title: Spark Slinger
This video is part of the New Book Teardown feature of my video blog.
In this video I take a look at The Art of Electronics: The x-Chapters by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill published in 2020. The book has 506 pages and is a companion to The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition.
In the book we learn about the Cascode two-stage amplifier and the push-pull amplifier.
We also see mention the Eye Diagram and there is discussion of the Potentiometer.
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Following is a product I use picked at random from my collection which may appear in my videos. Clicking through on this to find and click on the green affiliate links before purchasing from eBay or AliExpress is a great way to support the channel at no cost to you. Thanks!
Maxitronix 10 In 1 (10in1) Electronics Project Lab Kitnotes |
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Old Book Teardown #5: Dictionary of Electronics 2nd Edition (1963) | In The Lab With Jay Jay
This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.
You can support this channel on Patreon:
Silly Job Title: Spark Slinger
This video is part of the New Book Teardown feature of my video blog.
In this video I tear down the 2nd Edition of the Dictionary of Electronics by Harley Carter A.M.I.E.E. This book was published in Great Britain in 1963 (following the 1st Edition published in 1960). This book comprises 410 pages of definitions of electronics terms that were current in 1963.
Thanks very much for watching! And please remember to hit like and subscribe! :)
Following is a product I use picked at random from my collection which may appear in my videos. Clicking through on this to find and click on the green affiliate links before purchasing from eBay or AliExpress is a great way to support the channel at no cost to you. Thanks!
QWORK Third Handnotes |
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