Some light reading. /s
Curry–Howard correspondence
Some light reading. /s
I’m interested in reading more Jacques Derrida and I think I might start with Margins of Philosophy.
I forget how it happened but I ended up over here: Works by Gary Aylesworth.
On my list of books to buy (and read!) is Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors by Matt Parker.
Some notes with regard to DejaGnu:
I’m not ready for this, but I wish I was: Post’s theorem.
I forget why I ran this search, but it turned up some interesting results:
I am not yet ready for Let Over Lambda, but one day I will be.
This is great: Boltzmann brain. The idea is roughly that maybe it’s more likely that your brain (or this entire galaxy) just randomly coalesced rather than evolved from the big bang as we believe it did.