This is just for the record. (So I can find it later, if it turns out that I want to.)
Mentioned here: KeePassXC Audit Report.
This is just for the record. (So I can find it later, if it turns out that I want to.)
Mentioned here: KeePassXC Audit Report.
I watched this video a while back, and was trying to find it today in my blog, but it wasn’t here. But now it is! Why you shouldn’t water cool your PC.
Heard about Sourcegraph today. Haven’t actually used it. Seems like the big use case I’d be interested in is code search.
This is interesting: ClockworkPi uConsole.
There’s some pretty interesting stuff happening out there: Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90%* ChatGPT Quality.
This is unreal: Using RP2040 PIO to drive a poorly-designed display. I read the code and it made me feel like I don’t actually know how to program. :P
Holy shit. This guy is next level.
Discovered Always appreciate a good three letter username. He was mentioned here: A Cryptographic Near Miss:
Software engineering is what happens to programming when you add time and other programmers.
Obviously from Google if he says something like that.
I got a bunch of stuff: