Today I learned of the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture. There is detailed information to be found on the ARM website: AMBA Specifications.
AMBA specification
Today I learned of the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture. There is detailed information to be found on the ARM website: AMBA Specifications.
Today I learned about CPUlator Computer System Simulator while watching Assembly Language Programming with ARM – Full Tutorial for Beginners.
Today I learned about Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Fourth Edition) by Yifeng Zhu while watching Lecture 9: Interrupts on YouTube. The full list of associated lectures are here: Short Lectures.
I’m off to bed but I thought I should make some notes about what I want to read tomorrow:
This turned up on HN today: Tomu, a tiny ARM microprocessor which fits in your USB port.
Reading about ARM assembler in Raspberry Pi…