I had an issue today with ‘df’ and ‘umount’ hanging because of a problem with my Windows (SMB/Samba/CIFS) share. To force unmount I used:
umount -a -t cifs -l
The above command forces all CIFS mounts to unmount immediately.
I had an issue today with ‘df’ and ‘umount’ hanging because of a problem with my Windows (SMB/Samba/CIFS) share. To force unmount I used:
umount -a -t cifs -l
The above command forces all CIFS mounts to unmount immediately.
Configuring an SMB mount from my Linux box to my Windows box. This was helpful.
# apt-get install cifs-utils
Then create your credentials file:
# cat > /root/amanda.smbpass <<EOF username=jj5 password=SECRET EOF
Then edit /etc/fstab and add:
//amanda.jj5.net/Users /media/amanda cifs defaults,noauto,credentials=/root/amanda.smbpass 0 2
Then create /etc/network/if-up.d/mount-amanda like this:
#!/bin/bash mount /media/amanda
And make sure it’s executable:
# chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/mount-amanda
Mounting can also be done from the command-line:
# mount -t cifs -o username=jj5,password=SECRET //amanda.jj5.net/Users /media/amanda