Missing libtool when preparing to build rockbox

UPDATE: the solution to this problem was to install the package ‘libtool-bin’.

I am following these instructions: https://git.rockbox.org/cgit/rockbox.git/tree/docs/README and am having this problem:

Wed Jun 12 16:02:02 [bash:5.2.15 jobs:0 error:0 time:4385]
$ git clone git://git.rockbox.org/rockbox
Cloning into 'rockbox'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 294287, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (294287/294287), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (65094/65094), done.
remote: Total 294287 (delta 229471), reused 292590 (delta 227774), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (294287/294287), 171.09 MiB | 3.97 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (229471/229471), done.
Wed Jun 12 16:03:02 [bash:5.2.15 jobs:0 error:0 time:4445]
$ cd rockbox
Wed Jun 12 16:03:11 [bash:5.2.15 jobs:0 error:0 time:4454]
$ mkdir build
Wed Jun 12 16:03:13 [bash:5.2.15 jobs:0 error:0 time:4456]
$ cd build
Wed Jun 12 16:03:15 [bash:5.2.15 jobs:0 error:0 time:4458]
$ ../tools/rockboxdev.sh
ROCKBOXDEV: "libtool" is required for this script to work.
ROCKBOXDEV: Please install the missing tools and re-run the script.

I did install the ‘libtool’ package on my Debian system, but there is no ‘libtool’ command, only ‘libtoolize’.