This was a fun read, about Linus and the early days of Linux: The early days of Linux. I didn’t know he was a gamer! But, I suppose, who isn’t? :)
Tag Archives: linux
The Linux man-pages project
Today I discovered: The Linux man-pages project.
Forcing a partition table reload
I’m reading How Linux Works, 3rd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know and I learned that you can force the kernel to reload a partition table with a command like this:
# blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sdX
Did some Linux related reading:
p.s. Linux has just bumped to major version 6!
This is great: It’s a web accessible cheatsheet for Linux commands.
Linux: generated/autoconf.h
See What is creating the generated/autoconf.h? for tips on how to generate autoconf.h for the Linux sources.
Instead of
gunzip < /proc/config.gz > .config
cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) > .config
RCU and Unloadable Modules
Found an article about the implementation of read-copy update locks in Linux: RCU and Unloadable Modules.
Linux system specs
If you want to get a simple report on your linux system’s specifications, try these:
- $ neofetch
- $ inxi
- $ hwinfo –short
5 Best Vector Graphics Editors for Linux
Today I reviewed: 5 Best Vector Graphics Editors for Linux. Will play with Inkscape first I guess…
File types In Linux
Today I found myself referring to: File types In Linux/Unix explained in detail. Basically:
- Regular file (-)
- Directory file (d)
- Block file (b)
- Character device file (c)
- Named pipe file or just a pipe file (p)
- Symbolic link file (l)
- Socket file (s)
Also apparently there is a thing called a Door File on Solaris, but, alas, we’re not caring about that.