
I just spent two whole days refactoring and improving my website.

One thing I had to think very carefully about for my modeling was the class/instance distinction for various things, you can see my notes below.

So channels have shows, and shows have features.

A series has segments, and segments have a video.

A series is an instance of a show, and a segment is an instance of a feature.

Everything is easy when you know how!

John's notes about the design of his model

Why is the audio speed so weird?

Over here one of my viewers asked “Why is the audio speed so weird?” The answer is that I was speeding up the video in an attempt to make the content more “lively” and so viewers could get through 6 minutes worth of content in only 4 minutes. However I have come to understand that others don’t think this is a good idea, so I have canceled the various videos I had queued for release, and I will remake them without the speed ups. I won’t be redoing any of the videos I have already released though, so that history will stand. :)

Math binge

Some fun math videos:

And some fun math articles:

Video equipment

I got a bunch of stuff: