Reading about define() vs const…
PHP define() vs const
Reading about define() vs const…
I needed to know my options for htmlentities character encoding support today. The PHP documentation had everything I needed to know. I ended up adding these constants to my code:
const UTF8_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'; const ASCII_ENCODING = 'ISO-8859-1';
A great article on Wikipedia about Newlines…
Using PHP Output Buffering Control…
Reading about MySQL Integer Types.
Today I queried the $_SERVER[ ‘SERVER_PROTOCOL’ ] value in PHP to determine the HTTP version used by the request.
Read a good article on using Twitter Bootstrap Dropdown Menus…
All you need to know is on the date documentation…
I wanted to add a new column to my table after the first column, like you can in MySQL. Turns out you can’t do that…
Reading about date/time support in PostgreSQL…