ATmega fuse bytes Posted on 2023-11-27 [Monday] by Jay Jay Reply A quick search for arduino fuses programming turned up a bunch of results: Arduino / ATmega 328P fuse settings Setting Fuse in Arduino Uno Understanding Fuse Bits in ATmega328P to Enhance Arduino Programming Efficiency Change the fuses of an Arduino Uno (can an Arduino Uno change its own fuses?) ATmega328P Arduinos and custom fuse settings
Gameboy Rabbit Hole Posted on 2023-11-27 [Monday] by Jay Jay Reply This evening I fell into a gameboy rabbit hole: Exploring the Gameboy Memory Bank Controller Gameboy DMG ROM and RAM Bank Switching Pokémon Red and Blue Pokémon Red and Blue: Tutorials gbz80(7) — CPU opcode reference Game Boy CPU (SM83) instruction set