Electronic Candles | Project 3/20 | Maxitronix 20in1 | Learning Electronics In The Lab With Jay Jay

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In this video I do the third Maxitronix 20in1 Electronic Project Lab project: Electronic Candles.

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Now with schematics!

I finished the Maxitronix 10in1 and now I’ve started the Maxitronix Sensor Robot 20, which I am calling the Maxitronix 20in1.

For the 20in1 I will be scanning in the instructions, schematic, and wiring diagrams, as can be seen for example here.

The scans from the manual (which I make using my Epson Perfection V39 flatbed scanner) pick up the text from the overlapping page but I managed to use the `convert` program (part of ImageMagick) to fix them up, as can be seen in my script jj5-maxi. I also use the deskew feature to straighten the images up, and that seems to work well!

To give you an example of the difference, here are some before and after shots:

Brightness and Darkness

I’m trying to get my head around the electronics I have been building recently. I have put together a web page which I can use to compare the implementations of the brightness and darkness detectors from the Maxitronix 20in1 projects I have built lately: Brightness and Darkness.