About Jay Jay

Hi there. My name is John Elliot V. My friends call me Jay Jay. I talk about technology on my blog at blog.jj5.net and make videos about electronics on my YouTube channel @InTheLabWithJayJay.

ESP-NOW instead of WiFi

Today I learned about ESP-NOW over here: Forget WiFi! This Wireless Method is WAY Better?

This looks like exactly what I need for a project I’m planning. I want to connect my WiFi router with a relay between its power source. I can then trip the relay to reboot the router. I need to do this every couple of months and doing it manually is a pain because I have to walk into the other room to do it.

Firefox Video Speed Controller

Today I installed the Video Speed Controller for Firefox. Let’s see how this goes!

These are the controls:

  • S – decrease playback speed.
  • D – increase playback speed.
  • R – reset playback speed.
  • Z – rewind video by 10 seconds.
  • X – advance video by 10 seconds.
  • V – show/hide controller.

555 timer

One day I intend to Build My Own 555 Timer.

In the recent past I posted How a 555 Works as a Timer which refers to an interesting video on the topic.

In that video the speaker gives us a mnemonic for remembering the transistor schematic symbols. Referring to the direction of the arrow on the symbol the “NPN” transistor “Never Points iN”. Good to know!