I am reading Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability which referred me to Guidelines for Accessible and Usable Web Sites:
Observing Users Who Work With Screen Readers.
Category Archives: Notes
DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025
This looks like it’s gonna be seriously excellent!
Corporate Culture in Internet Time
A fun article from back in the before-time just before the dotcom bubble burst: Corporate Culture in Internet Time.
THRILLER im Style von @scooterofficial
This is brilliant. It’s Michael Jackson’s Thriller in the style of Scooter:
USB cable tester from Japan
As mentioned on EEVblog 1619 – Mailbag: Featuring Don McKenzie the ADUSBCIM USB CABLE CHECKER 2. Gonna put that one on my shopping list.
Hexing the technical interview meets DALL·E
There is a hilarious quote from Aphyr in Hexing the technical interview:
Vidrun, born of the sea-wind through the spruce
Vidrun, green-tinged offshoot of my bough, joy and burden of my life
Vidrun, fierce and clever, may our clan’s wisdom be yours:
Never read Hacker News
I fed it into DALL·E and it gave me this awesomeness:
Forlorn business man
Jaycar and Silicon Chip projects
This is a note for Future John. Some links for Jaycar and Silicon Chip projects, including the Mini Projects from Silicon Chip:
Linux kernel coding style
Today I had a read of the Linux kernel coding style. Eight character indents and brace on new-line for functions and no braces for single line conditionals… yuck. :P
Common files and directories found on popular Linux systems
Over on https://digitalforensics.ch/linux/ there is a PDF you can download which lists common files and directories you might find in popular Linux systems.