Brightness Alarm | Project 1/20 | Maxitronix 20in1 | In The Lab With Jay Jay

This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.

In this video I do the first Maxitronix 20in1 Electronic Project Lab project: Brightness Alarm.

While conducting this experiment I made some notes over here: Maxitronix/20in1/1.

Wireless Continuous Wave Transmitter | Project 7/10 | Maxitronix 10in1 | In The Lab With Jay Jay

This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.

In this video I do the seventh Maxitronix 10in1 Electronic Project Lab project: Wireless Continuous Wave Transmitter.

While conducting this experiment I made some notes over here: Maxitronix/10in1/7.

I made a bunch of mistakes while building and testing this circuit, and a lot of the footage I took didn’t make it into the final video. In particular in between the construction part of the video at the beginning, and the testing part of the video at the end, I added a ceramic capacitor at the base of the transistor; I hadn’t understood the instructions to install this capacitor as it wasn’t wired in using spring terminals like all the other components.