Today I found some documentation from Google: Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content.
Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content
Today I found some documentation from Google: Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content.
Read a little bit of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0… should come back to this when I have more time.
Learned about a web design website today called A List Apart. It seems to have some interesting content centered on web design.
Reading about HTTP Content Negotiation support in Apache.
I used the CSS :last-child and :after selectors to hack the content: property on my menu lists. Basically items in the menu have a pipe ‘|’ between them, except no pipe before or after the list. I did that in CSS with:
#menu li:after { content: ' | '; } #menu li:last-child:after { content: ''; }
I used the CSS content Property for the first time the other day. You’d have to wonder where I’ve been…