This evening I fell into a gameboy rabbit hole:
Tag Archives: ram
I learned a few things about RAM today. Things began with the realisation that a CPU can read 32GB of RAM (e.g. all of it) in about 10 seconds. That surprised me at first, and then I thought about it (for the first time ever, not usually a big fan of thinking, can lead to discomfort).
Then I learned that DDR4 has a 64-bit data bus whereas DDR5 has a 128-bit data bus.
And then I learned that today’s SDRAM used to be asynchronous DRAM.
Raspberry Pi vital statistics
I have a few RPis on my desk but I had no idea what version they were. I ran these commands to find out:
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Model $ free -h $ lsb_release -a $ ip a
ZFS decuplication
Gallery of Processor Cache Effects, MMUs, CPUID, etc.
Found Gallery of Processor Cache Effects… also of interest CPU cache, Memory Management Unit, and CPUID on Wikipedia.
Linux RAM Disk
Reading about how to create a RAM disk on Linux:
# mount -o size=200M -t tmpfs none /mnt/tmpfs