Configuring Akonadi for Thunderbird Maildir access

I read this and this.

Then I installed the Akonadi console:

root@tact:/home/jj5# apt-get install akonadiconsole

I opened it from K -> Applications -> Development -> Akonadi Management and Debugging Console.

Then in it I selected Agents -> Local Folders.

Then I changed: /home/jj5/.local/share/akonadi_maildir_resource_0 to my ‘important’ Thunderbird ImapMail directory.

Thunderbird Maildir backend

I’m trying to figure out how to get my Thunderbird to use Maildir instead of Mbox so my backups are less data intensive.

I opened about:config via Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Config Editor…

Then I changed “mail.serverDefaultStoreContractID” from “;1” to “;1”.

Everything is easy when you know how!

Adding ‘Attach to Icedove’ desktop/dolphin menu item on Debian Jessie

On Debian Jessie (testing) the default ‘Send as Email Attachment’ context menu item uses KMail, and only KMail, even if you’ve configured your desktop to use Icedove (Thunderbird) as your default mail client.

So you can remove the broken ‘Send as Email Attachment’ from Dolphin by opening Dolphin then:

Settings -> Configure Dolphin… -> Services -> uncheck ‘Send as Email Attachment’

Then to create a replacement feature that uses Icedove edit:


And enter:

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action attachToEmail]
Exec=icedove -compose "attachment='$(echo %F | sed 's/\\ \\//,\\/\\//g')'"

Name=Attach to Icedove
Name[it]=Invia E-mail con Icedove
Name[es]=Enviar adjunto con Icedove
Name[de]=Als Anhang mit Icedove verschicken
Name[pt]=Anexar ao Icedove E-mail
Name[pt_BR]=Enviar arquivo(s) como anexo(s)
Name[fr]=Envoyer avec Icedove
Name[nl]=Voeg toe als bijlage aan Icedove
Name[pl]=Wyślij jako załącznik Icedove
Name[ru]=Отправить с помощью Icedove
Name[cz]=Odeslat jako přílohu Icedove


And make sure your .desktop file is executable:

 $ chmod +x ~/.kde/share/kd4/share/icedove_attachment.desktop