PDO: Execute a prepared statement using array for IN clause

See Example #5 here.

/* Execute a prepared statement using an array of values for an IN clause */
$params = array(1, 21, 63, 171);
/* Create a string for the parameter placeholders filled to the number of params */
$place_holders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($params), '?'));

    This prepares the statement with enough unnamed placeholders for every value
    in our $params array. The values of the $params array are then bound to the
    placeholders in the prepared statement when the statement is executed.
    This is not the same thing as using PDOStatement::bindParam() since this
    requires a reference to the variable. PDOStatement::execute() only binds
    by value instead.
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM contacts WHERE id IN ($place_holders)");

KCachegrind doesn’t open cachegrind profiler log file

So I had an issue with KCachegrind where I would open a cachegrind profile file and “nothing happened”. The status bar said the file had loaded, but the user interface widgets were all empty. Turns out clicking Settings -> Sidebars -> Function Profile loaded the part of the UI I needed to get started… everything is easy when you know how!

Disable middle mouse button (paste) on Debian KDE

Every now and again I will accidentally click the middle mouse button when I go to grab my mouse, and KDE will dump my clipboard buffer into a BASH shell. Not good. Could run something damaging if I’m unlucky. So see here for the solution. Basically run this to get the mouse device ID:

xinput list | grep 'id='

Then to edit e.g. device 10 to disable middle mouse button:

xinput set-button-map 10 1 0 3

To persist the changes add the set-button-map command to e.g. ~/.xstartup.

Or you can add a pointer configuration to ~/.Xmodmap like this:

pointer = 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

And make sure xmodmap is applied at start-up with an autostart file like e.g. ~/.config/autostart/mouse-config.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Disables middle mouse button.
Exec=xmodmap /home/jj5/.Xmodmap

Disabling F6 ‘Run Main Project’ hot key in NetBeans because of G15 keyboard

I have a G15 keyboard, and I love it (but not as much as the old model!), but it occasionally causes a problem for me when I’m programming in NetBeans on Debian GNU/Linux.

The issue is that on a newer G15 the G6 key is right near the Ctrl key, and from time to time my pinky hits the G6 key which seems to be by default programmed to be the F6 key.

By default in NetBeans the F6 key is the ‘Run Main Project’ hot key, so when I accidentally press it, it fires up a Firefox window and tries to run my web app! I never configure my web apps in NetBeans, but even if I did, I don’t want to accidentally run anything due to an accidental key press.

So my solution was to disable F6 in NetBeans, and for that:

Tools -> Options -> Keymap -> Click ‘Search in Shortcuts’ -> Press F6 -> Click on the ‘…’ in the Shortcut cell for ‘Run Main Project’ (should be F6) -> Clear -> Apply -> And you’re done!

Everything is easy when you know how!