In case you missed it, there was a little controversy bubbled up on the interwebs:
Daily Archives: 2022-11-30 [Wednesday]
Electrical Conductivity of Metals
Today I read Electrical Conductivity of Metals. Basically silver is the best, followed by copper.
The article linked at the bottom is also good: How Does Electrical Energy Work?
Living in the future
So I had these “drill bit thingos” hanging on the pegboard in my lab, but I wanted to store them in a component drawer instead, but I wasn’t sure what the label should say. I searched “the usual places” to try to find the order in which I purchased them, but couldn’t find such a thing. In a last ditch effort I put the number printed onto the case into my search engine and did an image search on it: 15050090001. And there it was! Turns out the drill bits are called “Step Drill Bits”, as seen here: 1PCS HSS Co 3-12mm 4-22mm 6-24mm Spiral Groove 1/4″ Hex Handle Step Dril Bit Hole Cutter Cone Saw Stepped Drill Power Tools. Problem solved.
New kit! Magnifying eyeglasses
Picked up these eyeglasses from Amazon for AUD$27.18 (USD$18.19).