Brightness and Darkness

I’m trying to get my head around the electronics I have been building recently. I have put together a web page which I can use to compare the implementations of the brightness and darkness detectors from the Maxitronix 20in1 projects I have built lately: Brightness and Darkness.

Brightness Alarm | Project 1/20 | Maxitronix 20in1 | In The Lab With Jay Jay

This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.

In this video I do the first Maxitronix 20in1 Electronic Project Lab project: Brightness Alarm.

While conducting this experiment I made some notes over here: Maxitronix/20in1/1.

New Book: The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition | In The Lab With Jay Jay

This post is part of my video blog: In The Lab With Jay Jay.

Silly Job Title: Charge Charmer

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This video is part of the New Book feature of my video blog.

In this video I review the venerable The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition by Paul Horowitz by Winfield Hill published in 2015. This monstrous tome includes some 1,220 pages.

This is a long video, because this is a long book!

While I was writing up these notes for the video I found a wealth of fun stuff. Here are a few links:

Dependency Injection in MediaWiki

Today I read the documentation for how Dependency Injection is done in MediaWiki.

I had a few small nits to pick (such as their statement that services should be stateless) but… fair enough.

For myself I don’t usually use Dependency Injection and a Service Container, instead I prefer the Service Locator pattern which I find is simpler and more economical to use, especially in PHP where there is a single process per request.