555 timer

One day I intend to Build My Own 555 Timer.

In the recent past I posted How a 555 Works as a Timer which refers to an interesting video on the topic.

In that video the speaker gives us a mnemonic for remembering the transistor schematic symbols. Referring to the direction of the arrow on the symbol the “NPN” transistor “Never Points iN”. Good to know!

Electronics projects mentioned by friends

Today on IRC some of my friends recommended or mentioned:

Also, honorable mention: Eliza for the Neo6502 running Morpheus firmware and Neobasic.

And there are heaps more boxes at HackerBoxes.

Decade Resistor Box

I got two of these Resistance Box 0-9999.9Ω Adjustable Lab Resistor Substitution Box Precision 1W Variable Knob Switch Boxes from AliExpress, but they kind of suck a bit. The resistors are only 1/4 Watt, the precision only 5% or 10%, and I had to mod it myself to replace the terminals with banana sockets.

Today I came across Build a Pro Decade Resistor Box for Cheap! PCB & 3D Print Files Included which includes all the plans necessary to make my own resistor box and with 1 Watt resistors.

I might take this on some time.