Debugging JINJA in Salt Stack

So I was trying to figure out how to report the template source file within the template itself and I found myself wanting to know what was available in the JINJA globals for a Salt Stack JINJA template.

Turns out you use the show_full_context() function, like this:

Context is: {{ show_full_context() }}

You can parse the output to see what top-level items are available. In my case I found the ‘source’ setting for the JINJA template in use.

Hot tip: if you’re using Vim to inspect the show_full_context() output, try using ‘%’ or ‘]}’ to move between matching braces.

Bonus: while I was learning about reporting the JINJA context I discovered that you can call Salt functions from JINJA templates, like this:

# The following two function calls are equivalent.
{{ salt['']('whoami') }}
{{'whoami') }}

PHP file_get_contents with HTTP Basic Auth

Today I needed to figure out how to read some data from a URL that required HTTP Basic Auth. The solution was pretty simple, use file_get_contents and pass in a configured stream context. I found the following code on the stream_context_create documentation:

$cred = sprintf( 'Authorization: Basic %s',
  base64_encode( 'username:password' )
$opts = array(
  'http' => array(
    'method' => 'GET',
    'header' => $cred
$ctx = stream_context_create( $opts );
$data = file_get_contents( $url, false, $ctx );
