I was reading about Abstraction inversion on Wikipedia which mentioned the anti-pattern of “using spreadsheet lookup functions to replicate the functionality of a database”.
Tag Archives: database
Administering PostgreSQL
So I found this article which said:
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=> alter user postgres password 'apassword'; postgres=> create user your-user createdb createuser password 'passwd'; postgres=> create database your-db-name owner your-user; postgres=> \q
Note: to enable password logins for the ‘postgres’ admin account, edit: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf and after this line:
local all postgres peer
Add this line:
local all postgres md5
Creating a user and database in PostgreSQL
To create a database and user account for use on PostgreSQL:
root@devotion:~# su - postgres postgres@devotion:~$ psql psql (8.4.21) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create user "www-data" superuser; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create database mydb with owner "www-data"; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c mydb psql (8.4.21) You are now connected to database "mydb". ^ mydb=# alter user "www-data" with password 'secret'; ALTER ROLE
A fast and furious guide to MySQL database engines
Read an article today called A fast and furious guide to MySQL database engines which talks a little bit about how MySQL database engines work.
One thing I learned which I didn’t know before is that you should run OPTIMIZE TABLE from time to time on your MyISAM database tables.
Database Sharding
Read an article about Database Sharding from CodeFutures.
Creating a MySQL database from the command-line, and snipplr
Today I was looking up the syntax to create a MySQL database from the command-line and found instructions on Snipplr. I haven’t seen snipplr before. I guess I’ll have to spend some time one day browsing the popular snippets.
Example database field/column lengths
I’m always wondering how big I should make my database columns. I put together a simple PHP script which demonstrates the sizes of various strings which is handy as a reference when thinking about how big you should make your fields.