Switching diodes and rectifying diodes

I had an envelope full of SMD diodes arrive today. Three different types in three different sizes, so nine bundles. Unlabeled!

I’m not sure what they were thinking at the shop. I got them from here.

I managed to figure out that the ones marked ‘S4’ were the Schottky diodes (1N5819WS). I think the ones labeled ‘T4’ are the switching diodes (1N4148WS) and the ones labeled ‘T7’ and ‘A7’ are the rectifying diodes (1N4007), but I’m not sure of that yet.

I asked ChatGPT for help and it explained how I can devise a test circuit, so that’s on my TODO list for tomorrow.

Mail log IP address count

The following monster will parse the mail log and report on unique host connections along with a count.

cat /var/log/mail.log | \
  grep ' connect from unknown' | \
  awk '{ print $8 }' | \
  sort | \
  sed -n 's/.*\[\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\)\].*/\1/p' | \
  awk '{count[$1]++} END {for (word in count) print count[word], word}' | \
  sort -n