Logic Analyzer with 1GHz Sampling Rate

Today I was pleased to discover this: DreamSourceLab DSLogic U3Pro32 USB-Based Logic Analyzer with 1GHz Sampling Rate, 2Gbits Memory, USB 3.0 Interface, 32 Channels.

There are some notes from the manufacturer over here: DSLogic Series USB-based Logic Analyzer.

It’s a logic analyzer which can operate at 1GHz that’s within my price range. I’m not rushing off to buy this thing, but it is certainly on my list.

The only other thing I have seen that compares to this logic analyzer is this RIGOL DS70304/DS70504– Digital Oscilloscope 3GHz/5GHz 4 Channel 20GSa/s 2Gpts 1000000 wfms/s which is roughly two orders of magnitude more expensive.