Investigating better lighting for the bench

I was watching Remnants of the Capacitor Plague where they mentioned about these lights: 3 in 1 6W 6500K Industry Microscope LED Gooseneck Light Illuminator Lamp Spot Light Lamp Fill Light Lamp With 60 LED Ring. I wanted to know more so I asked about which ones the YouTuber purchased themselves. I hope I hear back! (And I may not hear back, it seems my question might have been flagged as spam, possibly because I included a link to AliExpress in the comment?)

Mail Call #20: GreatFET One, Cynthion, Mesh Holder, USB Cable, Calculus, KVM and More! | In The Lab

This post is part of my video blog and you can find more information about this video over here.

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In this video we take a look at what has arrived in the mail from AliExpress, eBay, and Amazon.

See here for more info about the Great Scott Gadgets:

In this video I mention my mate @learningasahobby790 who makes interesting videos about mathematics and philosophy, check him out.

Thanks very much for watching! And please remember to hit like and subscribe! :)

Following is a product I use picked at random from my collection which may appear in my videos. Clicking through on this to find and click on the green affiliate links before purchasing from eBay or AliExpress is a great way to support the channel at no cost to you. Thanks!

Yum Cha 11 in 1 USB-C Hub USB HubThis is an image of the product.

Let’s go shopping!

Equipment from Peak Electronic Design

The British company Peak Electronic Design has a wonderful range of Test Instruments.

Today I purchased these ones:

Still on my wish list is this one:

The reason for this particular splurge is that after I purchased my METCAL PS-900 Soldering Station element14 sent me an email with a coupon for 15% off. Since these Peak Atlas devices were on my wish list I figured I might as well get them while I can get 15% off.

Electronics projects mentioned by friends

Today on IRC some of my friends recommended or mentioned:

Also, honorable mention: Eliza for the Neo6502 running Morpheus firmware and Neobasic.

And there are heaps more boxes at HackerBoxes.

Decade Resistor Box

I got two of these Resistance Box 0-9999.9Ω Adjustable Lab Resistor Substitution Box Precision 1W Variable Knob Switch Boxes from AliExpress, but they kind of suck a bit. The resistors are only 1/4 Watt, the precision only 5% or 10%, and I had to mod it myself to replace the terminals with banana sockets.

Today I came across Build a Pro Decade Resistor Box for Cheap! PCB & 3D Print Files Included which includes all the plans necessary to make my own resistor box and with 1 Watt resistors.

I might take this on some time.

Rory Sutherland reading list

I just watched this presentation from Rory Sutherland: Rory Sutherland: Want Fewer People to go to A&E? Change the Name | Health | WIRED.

At the end he provides this reading list:

I don’t have the time (or money) to read all of those books, the book I picked to read was Nudge.