INFO: task dpkg:27497 blocked for more than 120 seconds.

I’ve been getting this error from time to time on my Ubuntu server:

 INFO: task dpkg:27497 blocked for more than 120 seconds.

I did some research and it turns out this is related to a bug in the dpkg system, and apparently it’s been fixed already (but not rolled out as part of Ubuntu yet).

Look forward to the fixed being rolled out, because the implication of the bug at the moment is that my system can hang for long periods of time while I’m installing software with apt-get.

Security considerations for find

Read about the security considerations for find. Find is a *nix tool for searching though directories for files and filtering them to build lists or run commands.

While I’m here I might as well show you my latest find command, I think it’s a beauty. :)

sudo find . \
  \( \( \( \! -user jj5 \) -or \( \! -group jj5 \) \) \
    -execdir chown jj5:jj5 '{}' \+ \) , \
  \( \( -type d \( \! -perm -u+rwx \) \) \
    -execdir chmod u+rwx '{}' \+ \) , \
  \( \( -type f \( \! -perm -u+rw \) \) \
    -execdir chmod u+rw '{}' \+ \)

How do I permanently disable Linux’s console screen saver, system-wide?

I was wondering how I could disable the console screen saver on my server (so I can watch progress of stuff in the background) and I found this article, How do I permanently disable Linux’s console screen saver, system-wide?

One of the solutions suggests installing the console-tools package, but there is another solution that looks like it doesn’t need any package installed, so I’m gonna give that a try first. The solution is to edit /etc/kbd/config and specify:


I’ve configured that now but won’t be able to test for a while as I can’t reboot my server just at the moment.

While I was at it I figured I’d have num lock enabled by default too:


Update: I was finally able to reboot my system and test that config, and: it didn’t work.

I tried to apt-get install console-tools, but that make things even worse! I recommend that you don’t try and install console-tools on Ubuntu Lucid, if my experience is anything to go by. Lucky I could still SSH to my server, because there was no console!

In the end I settled on a solution I found over here, being to add the following to /etc/rc.local:

setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0

Error handling in bash

I’ve been learning about approaches to error handling in bash. I found Error handling in BASH, Exit Shell Script Based on Process Exit Code, Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts and Bash: Error handling all of which contained a nugget of useful information.

Particularly I learned about $LINENO, set -e (equiv: set -o errexit), set -o pipefail, set -E, set -u (equiv: set -o nounset), set -C (equiv: set -o noclobber), #!/bin/bash -eEu, trap, shopt -s expand_aliases, alias, $PIPESTATUS, subshells, unset, and more.

If you call exit without specifying a return code then $? is used, I didn’t know that.

I found this code snippet that demos a relatively race-condition free method of acquiring a lock file:

if ( set -o noclobber; echo "$$" > "$lockfile") 2> /dev/null; 
   trap 'rm -f "$lockfile"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT

   rm -f "$lockfile"
   trap - INT TERM EXIT
   echo "Failed to acquire lockfile: $lockfile." 
   echo "Held by $(cat $lockfile)"

Unix command to format a number of bytes as a human readable value

It took me a while, but I finally figured out how to print a number from a bash script properly formatted with commas as thousand’s separators. For those like me who weren’t in the know, the magical incantation is:

  printf "%'d" 123456

That will format 123456 as 123,456. Much easier to read when you’re dealing with large numbers such as the sizes of files in gigabytes.

So now if I could only find the Unix command that took a number of bytes and turned it into an approximate value with GB or MB suffixes.